Sunday, October 26, 2008


Two months after Caleb was born we were enjoying our healthy, happy, newborn, when we learned about the struggle of some friends from college days. Elli was born in February 2000 to our friends Scott and Joy (Wickholm) Bennett. She was beautiful! The doctors detected a heart murmer, but after the normal time in the hospital the hospital staff sent mother and baby home. Just a day or so later, Elli was back in the hospital after turning blue from lack of oxygen. Elli was fighting for her life at less than a week old. Surgery after surgury left Elli struggling to keep up with her peers and because of a tube that was "placed" in her throat during one of her emergency surguries, she was unable to use much of her voice box.

Elli turned 8 this past February and has learned how to communicate using a portable computer as her voice called a dynavox. Since Elli was unable to fully develope she was mostly confined to a wheelchair. She had been learning how to use a motorized one so she could have a bit more independence.

Over the years, I've watched and admired our friends Scott and Joy as they took care of Elli with love and treated her just like any of the younger kids they have since had. Joy has fought and fought to make sure that Elli would receive the necessary government assistance that Elli so rightfully deserved. All the while Scott and Joy have been active members and now Scott is an elder in their local church.

Well, one week ago Sunday, Elli passed away in her sleep. God just knew it was time to take her home. Elli loved to sing! She really just loved any kind of music, but especially Veggie Tales! We know that Elli is finally dancing with her own 2 feet, and singing with her very own voice! I can't wait to get to heaven and hear her sing! I know it will be beautiful, just as she was!

On her last night of tucking Elli in, Joy shared with her about God's love and she prayed with Elli. In her on-line blog Joy writes of tucking Elli in every night with the possibility that "this might be the last time I do this." If you would like to read more about my friend you can visit her blog site that is linked to the title of this blog. Just click on "Elli."

It really has made me think about how you just don't know when will be the last moment you see someone, hug someone, or have the chance to show God's love to someone. Now when I tuck in my kids or send them off to bed because I am just spent from the day, I ask God to help me give from His stregnth one more time to tuck them in right, or cuddle a little longer, because tomorrow may not come.

Please be in prayer for Scott and Joy as they and their 3 other children have begun the LONG process of continuing to move forward in the Lord's will for their lives!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Thank you for sharing the story of Elli. Sometimes we do not realize that others have a hard time in life and yet truly rejoice in God. He is such an amazing God and takes care of us in ALL our Trials. Thanks!