Sunday, December 20, 2009

Caleb's Baptism

Today, Doug had the priviledge of baptizing Caleb. At first our Chilean pastor was hesitant about baptizing such a young man, but after Caleb and he talked, Pastor was impressed by his knowledge and the way he handles scripture. I told Doug LONG ago, that I'm a bit timid about raising Caleb because we think God has something special for him. I hope and pray that God works in his life, in spite of us!
There were 4 candidates for Baptism. Caleb was the first...


Julie said...

Yeah! Congratulations, we are excited to see how God continues to work in his life!

Christian said...

Es un honor servir para la familia de misionero que nos han bendecido tanto en la obra de Dios. Felicidades por Caleb y Dios les siga bendiciendo.
su pastor en Chile les ama entrañablemente.

Terry said...

Congratulations! As parents we are always pleased when our children choose to follow Christ.