Thursday, May 6, 2010


Some different people have wondered what it is like to be a missionary, so I thought that I´d give you an idea of how our week goes.

Monday - Doug works down at ABWE Chile headquarters of Santiago Christian Academy. He usually leaves here around 8:15 on bicycle, so as to arrive there by 8:30. He takes care of the mission and school finances as well as being property manager, which has been more work with the earthquake cleanup.

The kids and I get up, pack lunches, have ¨cuddle¨ school (the homeschool that I have to read and discuss with them) and then leave by 11:45 pm in the car to also head down to the school.
The kids get to eat lunch and play with their friends, while I have detention duty in my classroom until about 12:50 pm. Then the kids go into their daddy´s office to begin completing their workbook school while Doug tries to balance fathering and work. Meanwhile I teach Biology to 12 students from 12:50 to about 2:30. Then I collect the kids to head home and finish homeschool and for me to prepare dinner and get ready for my next Biology class.

Doug gets home anywhere from 6 to 7, depending on the craziness of the day.

Tuesday - Doug leaves via car for the day around 8:00 am to be at the school/running to the bank/running to the exchange house/ taking care of property business. He usually gets home anytime between 6 and 7.

The kids and I stay here in Tuesdays getting A LOT of homeschool for the week done and me getting caught up on Biology/preparing my lesson for Ladies´ meeting/household duties.

Wednesdays are weird!!! They look just like Monday, but every other week at 2:30 the kids and I don´t get to come back home, we are there at SCA until 6 with Doug. This is because of different ABWE meetings that we have. Therefore, some Wednesdays the kids are at the school from 12 until sometimes after 6, if it´s a long meeting. We get home to have dinner real fast and then we have bedtime routine.

Thursday is family day. We still do some homeschool. Doug doesn´t go down to the school and we usually catch up on errands and doctors appointments. Thursday night at 8:00 pm we have prayer meeting, which usually lasts until 10:00 when we rush the kids into bed, to be ready for Friday´s schedule.

Friday - Doug leaves as normal, but via bicycle again, so that at 10:30 am, the kids and I take the car down to the school so that I can teach one period of Biology while Doug watches/schools the kids/works. After teaching, the kids and I come home to do homeschool and get ready for the weekend. Doug gets home at the usual time around 6 and we have some family time.

Saturdays are a hodge podge of things. Every other week, I teach ladies´ Bible study from 4 -6, while Doug spends time with the kids.

Sundays we have SS at 10:30. Doug will be teaching a series on Philippians soon during SS. I just finished teaching the teen girls of our church during this time. At 11:30 we have ¨breakfast¨ as a church. at 12:00 we start church and run until 1:45. Then we usually have someone over for lunch, and then sometimes we have married couples meetings during the evening.

Then the week starts all over again.

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