Saturday, April 3, 2010


So, one of the ladies at church approached our pastor about how she believed that something had changed with me. That I was different with her. Nothing with her has changed, but there are some people here that if you don´t greet them personally then they are offended. Can you imagine having to greet EVERY person BEFORE and AFTER the service! When I see her tomorrow, I will clear things up with her.

However, that got me to thinking, am I different? The last month has been trying at best. Since the earthquake, we´ve been shaken again and again. Normalcy has not returned to our lives here, but will it ever? Since the earthquake, Doug made a trip South to share the gospel with many ravaged by the earthquake. We´ve all been battling with a SEVERE cold/respiratory illness that continues to hang on with cough and some minor congestion after 3 weeks. Doug´s grandfather at the age of 94 is loosing his battle with so many illnesses. We are just waiting for the call to say that he´s past on to heaven.

To top off all of this, Doug has found out that he has cancer of the skin AGAIN!! He´ll be having surgery soon. He plans to run the SANTIAGO MARATHON on the 11th and then he´ll go in for the surgery.

I do feel different! I feel more subdued. I feel more, more caught up in my family. I feel more concerned about my ministry in our home. I wish I could go ¨home¨ to visit with Doug´s family during this difficult time of waiting for Grandpa to pass. I feel like a stranger here sometimes, and I miss worshipping GOD in my own heart language. I feel excited to be here. I feel blessed to have the church family that we do. I feel blessed to be used of God to share His example to not only my children but to those around me here in Chile.

So, yeah, I guess I feel different. I feel conflicted and then I think....
As I mature and grow in life and my relationship with Christ, I do hope there is a difference! I hope and pray that that difference makes an impact in others´ lives. I hope that by being different, God receives the glory!

1 comment:

Jack_R_Young said...

Sounds like you have had a lot on your plate this month. We are praying for you at Shawnee Hills. Isaiah 40:28-31.