Sunday, November 2, 2008


I've noticed something since being here in Costa Rica. Ok, I've noticed A LOT of things! But this one is an eternal perspective. Do you get excited when someone shares that someone was saved? The ministry here that we are involved with under a fellow missionary pastor is very strong in sharing the gospel and it is not unusual to hear on consective Sundays that someone else gave their life over to God. SOOOO what is the reaction. The first Sunday we heard this, I spoke up loudly and said, "Aleluja" (Spanish pronunciation). People looked at me funny.

WOW! Shouldn't we be shouting from the roof tops just like the Angels rejoicing in heaven that there will be another child of God in heaven one day? When was the last time you became genuinely excited about the salvation of another child of God? By being excited we show that there is joy and blessing in being a child of God. If we aren't excited about being His child, then why should anyone else?

By the way, I still say "Aleluja" rather loudly!


Michelle said...

Hey there friends... you keep right on! I've joined the blogging world... I hope to keep better in touch with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Every beliver should give praise to God for everyone that comes to Him.

Carol C.