Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wrapping up the last few days

Has it really been a year since we moved out of "our" house in Troy, Ohio and began the journey of visiting parents before flying down here? God is SO good! It has been a world wind year, but we are all speaking Spanish and LOVE IT! Even Caleb just yesterday was so excited when he said, "Mom, I can understand this whole TV program in Spanish and it's only been a year!!" I can't wait to see how fluent they become while living in Chile!

Even though the year has gone by SOOO fast, I know it's been a WHOLE year because of our new found church, friends, and teachers that I will miss terribly. I might even miss our little house and the LONG walk to school. But for now, we are preparing to leave our little house on Saturday to stay close to the airport before flying back to my parents on Sunday.

Over the next few days we'll get to...
Go to our neighbor's son's kindergarden graduation
Take a beloved teacher out to lunch
Graduate from ILE with neighbors watching and hearing the gospel, although we think they may be saved.
Doug will "run" downtown to return our modem and pay any last minute bills.
Finish getting the sold items to their new owners

We've sold almost everything and we'll be getting rid of the last few items this Saturday, including our sheets, which is why we're going to stay in a hotel by the airport.
We are sad to leave here, but SOOO excited to visit with family, friends, and churches stateside for a couple of months. THEN OFF TO CHILE!! YAHOO!!!!

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