Monday, August 24, 2009

Interesting Irony

Sitting in the full auditorium on a Sunday night while everyone else around me sang praises to our God, I could only cry. "Why, Lord? Why is it taking SOOO long??" We had been raising support for 4 years and we so wanted to be in Chile!

Sitting in a small, but full auditorium on a Sunday morning while pastor spoke about the difficulties of missionary life, I could only cry. "Lord, I miss my church in the US! I miss my friends, family, and heart language!"

God has taught me MANY lessons throughout this missions journey that has just begun, and some days are better than others. During our training at ABWE, we learned that right around the 6th month on the field, some people experience STRONG feelings of homesickness. I'm CERTIANLY not experiencing that much homesickness, but I do miss home every once in a while. Please don't get me wrong! I LOVE living and serving God here in Chile, I just wish I could bring all of my loved ones here with me!

Instead we are making new precious relationships here. Like the friendship that I have with our pastor's wife. Sandra and I try to meet once a week and talk often on the phone. She has had a tough job raising 4 kids from the ages of 9 to 21. Christian, her husband and our pastor, is a WONDERFUL man with patience for our Spanish and truly a heart that is TOTALLY sold out to God! There are others like, Patricia, Jessica, Vivianna, and Gloria. Each one has touched my heart and my life!

Thank you Lord for new experiences, your timing, and the support I need when I need it!!

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