Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our first Chilean Wedding

So, as we've asked you to pray for Juan Carlos and Nancy to get married, God has been answering your prayers!!! Last Friday night, after a LONG drive through the rain, in the dark, with a VERY FOGGED up windowshield, we made the trip to their home to witness their civil wedding. Here are just a few of the pictures of the night.

From left to right - 1. Our pastor who is one brother of the bride and stood up as her witness,
2. the bride Nancy who is due within the next 2 weeks with the couple's 2nd child,
3. the groom Juan Carlos and father to both of Nancy's children,
and 4. Juan Carlos' witness who is a childhood friend and is married to Juan Carlos' sister

The judge who married the couple in less than 15 minutes!
Nancy signing the marriage "contract" with 6 year old son looking on

The exchange of rings
The dinner afterward to celebrate was held out on their patio with 4 round tables to squeeze in all 35 or so people.

We truly were blessed to be invited to this BEAUTIFUL event. The couple plans to have a church wedding sometime this coming summer, which for us in South America means December through March. I can't wait to be a part of that ceremony, but in the mean time, God allowed me to visit one of the Christian bookstores today and I found a bunch of GREAT Bible study books on marriage. Since we will be counseling the newly weds and newly Christians, it was certainly NO ACCIDENT that God led me to the bookstore today.

Thank you for praying for Juan Carlos and Nancy! Please don't stop praying for them and for us, as we guide them.

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