Sunday, November 14, 2010

Embarrasing Moment in Ministry

Every Saturday I welcome 3 ladies into our home for discipleship. I love this time of fellowship, working through a leaders training workbook, and talking about practical spiritual thing that come up in women's ministry. Only 2 ladies were here yesterday, and I praise God that over the last year and a half, that I have become very close friends with these ladies! It was a GORGEOUS day here, so I decided that we'd have our discipleship out on the patio. We always have tea or coffee and work through our lesson. Our dog, Kiwi, who had been chained up out in the front of the house, but who I had unchained so she could walk around freely while we met. However, I failed to think of some of the consequences of her walking about. First, she had to pee and where did she pick...YUP right next to me! You'd think I would have learned my lesson, but NOOOOO...I didn't rechain her. I let her roam some more and low and behold she had "other business" to take care of. YUP right in the line of sight of all of us, she decided to do her business. How HUMILIATING!!! I was mortified. Praise God that these 2 ladies both have dogs of their own and understand, but I was still mortified!!!

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