Saturday, October 11, 2008

USA or Costa Rica

Today, Doug and I were able to get away for a couple of hours to a local mall about 20 minutes away by taxi. We are thankful to have fellow ABWE missionaries who have teenaged girls who will take care of our kids. Anyway, as we stood there in the food court wondering what we wanted to eat, we truly wondered if we were back in the states. Our choices were, McD's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Quiznos, Cinnabon, and an "ice cream" place. Sooooo, we ended up going hispanic at least, with Taco Bell :).

Truly, we often wonder if are just in Miami on a long weekend. Then we head back home with the bars, razor wire, glass ridged walls, and 7 locks to open to get into our front door and we're jarred back into reality. Some days the time outside of the city is so relaxing. Oh to see a mountain or a sunset without bars on the windows. Granted living where we live, I would never get rid of the bars, but each time we can get out of the city, even for a couple of hours, it is always a welcome, yet guarded change!!

Next weekend we are excited to visit another ABWE ministry in Guanacaste. Guanacaste is an area of Costa Rica well known for its resorts and tourist trafic, but the people are EXTREMELY poor and there is a group there that meets on Saturdays at least once a month, when Paul and Patty Coulier, our pastor here and fellow ABWE missionaries, can drive the 5 hours each way to minister. Due to my health and the kids, we are leaving on Friday so as to make it a two day trip. Normally, Paul and Patty drive the 5 hours up to Guanacaste, minster, have lunch, and then turn right back around and drive the 5 hours home only to wake up on Sunday morning to minister here at "our" church. Please pray for this ministry in Guanacaste! They DESPERATELY need a pastor to take over and REALLY be able to devote the time and God's energy into a church plant. For now we are excited to FINALLY glimpse the Pacific Ocean and get to help with this ministry! I'll post more details when we get back with pictures and more details!

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