Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Still no lights at our house. We hear rumors upon rumors, but still we wait.

Sharing again/documenting our experience...

After the earthquake had calmed down and we went inside, I went to Hannah´s room to lay down with her for the night. Upon entering the room, Hannah cries, ¨Mommy, the earthquake knocked everything down in my room!!¨ Then she proceeded to cry.

Keep in mind that I had been in her room to get her shoes and robe just a little while before and hadn´t noticed anything different. Hannah´s room is almost ALWAYS a mess, so I didn´t notice what she did. However, after further probing of Hannah, she told me that it was just her little ¨dresser¨ (8 inches by 8 inches with little box drawers) that held her hair pretties, that had fallen. Indeed they were all over the floor. I proceeded to pick them up and put them back.

The next day, the kids were playing in Hannah´s room, and as play, she had dumped all her hair pretties on the floor to use the little cupboard for other things. NO WONDER I hadn´t noticed that the earthquake had ¨destroyed¨ her room!!

After getting into bed just after the earthquake, Hannah was sobbing. I suggested to Doug that he pray and he did. Hannah was still sobbing, so I began to sing various kids songs. When I began singing, ¨Halelu-halelu-halelu-halelujah,¨ I poked Hannah to sing ¨Praise Ye the Lord.¨ She joined in and we finished the round. Hannah had stopped crying and I was SOOO thankful!!! about a minute later, we hear from Caleb´s room, ¨Halelu-halelu-halelu-halelujah¨ and we answered back with ¨Praise Ye the Lord.¨

I am indeed thankful the to the Lord and pray that HIS will will be done through all of this!!!

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