Monday, February 9, 2009

It's the simple life

Well, we are done with visiting churches and updating our supporters, so now it is time to REALLY pack and get relax before we leave next Monday.

Today, was kind of neat. My in-laws live in the "back woods of no where," and there is always LOTS of work to be done on these 50 some acres. So, today after 2 trees were cut down by professionals practically our whole family worked out in the yard moving and piling up the logs so that they could dry and be used as firewood next year. Driving the tractor and working outside reminded me that life can be so simple. What does life come down to? We're here on earth to glorify God and when I'm out in His nature, I can't help but praise Him for His beautiful creation!

In another year or two, or for that matter in 2 more weeks, I may be missing the fresh air of this beautiful state, but I know that each time I think of this "home," that I will be reminded of His gifts of creation!!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks so much for stopping by on your way out of town! Meghan was so touched, although she said she didn't even recognize you all initially. Hope all goes well!