Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here in Santiago, we have an international school. It is run by ABWE and therefore finding teachers to serve falls to us. Currently there is a real need for teachers beginning this August. Without teachers to teach our young people, we are then asked to step in and teach. As ABWE missionaries, not having teachers for our school directly affects our ability to minister to nationals, not in the school sense, but in the church and evangelism setting. Since Heather is a certified teacher she has been elected to serve on the school board and it is truly difficult to see our kids go without a proper education due to lack of teachers. Therefore, although Heather is homeschooling our children, she has begun teaching an environmental science class at SCA. Doug also has been facilitating a class of economics for one of our high school seniors. Would you as a mature, Christian individual consider serving on the mission field as one of our short term teachers? If you as an individual can’t come, would you consider supporting a teacher who is willing to come?Regardless of what you can or cannot do, would you please pray that God would provide teachers for our young people? If you have any questions, please contact me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,
Are the students Chilean nationals or MK's or both?

Amundson Family Musings said...

They are both MK's and chilean nationals. Everything is held in English. We have Koreans, Chinese, Austrailians, and of course American ExPats along with a sprinkling of Chileans.