Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cultural Difference?

I don't know if this is a cultural difference, or what, but it was definitely an interesting question.

As many of you know, Doug has taken up running. I'm not talking a little bit here, and a little bit there. I'm talking marathons. He hopes to run one here in the near future and that will mean he's run one in North American, Central America, and then South America. Well Doug needed some new running shoes.

On Tuesday, we were out on an afternoon "date" at o a little "mall" called Plaza Quilin. There we found a sports store. The prices were right and Doug found what he wanted so he asked to try on the shoes. The lady attendent went into the back, typical for us too in the US, but she only returned with ONE SHOE. Doug was about to try the one on when she asked if he wanted to try them both on. I thought, "Well, duh!" I know not very missionary like, but of course if one is going to buy running shoes, wouldn't one like to know for sure that they are going to fit? Doug answered yes and he tried them on, walked in them, and then we bought them.

Maybe someone who's here in Chile (Stephanie) can comment on this to let us know if this is typical here to only try on one shoe or just a quirk of this particular attendent.


Anonymous said...

It might not be as 'culturally different' as you think... i had that happen at a shoe store in the states this summer... it wasn't a hard core sports store, but still, of course i wanted to try on both shoes. I just figured I had been out of the states too long and things had changed."
Sarah - China

Stephanie said...

Hmmm, I think we're usually offered BOTH shoes! Too funny.