Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th from 2 Perspectives

September 11th - What do you think of when you see that date? For us as missionaries to Chile there are 2 different events that run through our heads.

As United Statesians I of course think of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York only 8 years ago. I remember being pregnant with Hannah and laying on the couch as usual with Caleb running around the apartment in diapers while I watched the news coverage. I thought of extended family that lived in NY. I thought of the families that lost daddies, husbands, sons, mommies, wives, and/or daughters. Wow! What pain!! It wasn't a day for attacking our own government and rioting, it was a day to unite within our boarders and look inward. Boarders were closed shutting some out and others in. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting to know if there were more attacks coming. Waiting to hear of missing loved ones.

September 11th for Chileans held LOTS of waiting too. In 1973 on September 11th the first socialist democratically elected government was thrown over by a military coop. This followed by MANY socialists being "gathered" together and held in Chile's National Stadium. From there many "disappeared." Many had to flee the country with their families seeking refuge from countries as far away as France, and possibly farther. Many of those families came from right here in Penalolen and in fact the school that bought the property across from our ABWE school is a socialist school. Families fought for their own under a repressive government and riots now mark September 11th in rememberance of that day, so long ago, but still felt by many here.

We will still experience riots here in Chile today. We, as Americans, have been told to stay home and just enjoy a night in with the family. We are close to the main street of rioting, so we'll probably hear various explosions and smell burning rubber from the many tires that will be set ablaze, but we should be safe in our house, on our closed street, in our safe neighborhood. However, there are others who live close to the "action" that we love SO much!!

Please pray today for safety for Pablo and Lisette. They are a young couple married since December and expecting their first little one, Sophia sometime early next year. They are both seminary students in the ABWE seminary that is right next door to the ABWE elementary and high schools. Pray that they will be safe tonight as they rest and enjoy the BRIGHT future that God has blessed them with!

Please pray for Tito, Julie, Gonzalo, and Kimberly! They are a special family to us!! Julie teaches our kids Spanish. Kimberly comes here 3 or 4 times a week to learn English and to help watch the kids so that Doug and I might get a moment to go out alone. Tito has helped us fix various things around the house and is currently without a job. Gonzalo works hard in his church and at the young age of 24 is a bright future leader and in leadership training at his church. They live on the other side of the school and have had a close relationship with many missionaries from ABWE. Please pray that they will all arrive safely home and that they will enjoy their time as a family.

Please also pray for Alejandro, our pastor's son! He works downtown and usually doesn't get home from work before 6 or 6:30. By this time much of the violence and demonstrations will be underway. Please pray that "Hano" will be home and arrive safe and sound to his family. He is a GREAT asset to our church and a blessing to our family in particular!

So, when you think of September 11th please remember those who gave their lives to defend the USA, and who died 8 years ago, but please also remember those who are serving overseas to defend and share of God's love!

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