Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday was TIRING! But WONDERFUL!! We were in church from 10:30 until 2:15. We dropped off a friend that had needed a ride to church, and made it home to eat real fast. Less than 1 1/2 hours after getting home, off I went again. I picked up 2 other ladies and we went back to the church for ladies' meeting. Normally we don't have ladies' meeting on Sundays, but the other Saturdays of the month just hadn't worked for May.

It was my first time sharing a devotional, but I know God was in control because He did everything. The ladies were gracious with my Spanish and I was able to communicate what God had laid on my heart. I'll be continuing to do the devotions each time starting with my testimony this next time and then we'll be doing a book study. I'm excited to watch God be glorified in our ladies!

Please pray for me this week as I also will begin a Thursday evening lesson for the kids. We have adult prayer meeting and until now there has been nothing for kids during this time. I'm excited to start this Thursday with 3 kids for sure - Caleb, Hannah and the pastor's 9 year old son. I mentioned to pastor doing the lesson bilingually and he liked that idea. This may be a draw to other kids in the neighborhood too and may bring unsaved people in the doors of the church. I'm excited!!!

Thanks for sticking with us and reading my blogs. I really appreciate it!

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