Friday, July 11, 2008

Recent Adventures!

This past week has been NUTS! Last weekend we visited the Children's Museum on Friday, got to see Wall-e, and visit a house for the family we are helping to transition here from the states all on Saturday. Then on Sunday I taught Sunday School again before being in the church service. We did all that without water, which came back on EARLY Monday morning.

Monday I did LOADS and LOADS of laundry!
Tuesday I was home with Caleb who was home sick with a fever and cold.
Wednesday during my 2 hour break between classes, I went with a friend to PriceMart which is just like Sam's Club in the states, made it home to unpack the food, and walk back to school for my second class
Thursday I woke up with a TERRIBLY soar throat, but had an hour long Bible study to present so I went to school anyway.
Thursday afternoon the kids spent a rainy afternoon at 2 different friends' homes while Doug and I braved the buses, taxis, and downtown to get our Costa Rican driver's licenses. That was definitely an experience worth telling, but by the end of the process, I was SOOO sick. I came home, went to bed at 6:30 and woke up Friday at 6:30am.
I ran a fever all night and after attempting to go to school. I came back home only to sleep about 3 hours more.
Now we're going to watch a movie and eat "Clam Chowda."
Hope you all have a GREAT weekend. I know I'll be doing A LOT of hanging around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been fun and encouraging to get caught up on what you guys have been up to. I'm glad you are starting to feel better.
