Thursday, July 17, 2008

So we know...

What Heather's sickness isn't. It isn't mono, although to my surprise the Doctor said I have had it in the past, which I truly don't remember nor was I ever diagnosed with mono. It isn't Hepatitus. It isn't Dengue fever. The blood tests 8 or 9 in total revealed some kind of heightened blood level that leads the doctor to believe that I have some sort of virus, but he doesn't know what. If this persists past the weekend, we're looking at more tests, the consideration of Lupis and/or some kind of immune dificiency disease. Just keep praying!!! We'll update you as we know more.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm praying for you guys....I've been to the hospital there. I went to one called Bible Hospital or something, I don't remember. I only had pneumonia though.