Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I am SOOOO excited. Because I came in with some Spanish, and the kids really need to have the stability of home life right now, we are going to homeschool this "fall/spring" (depending on the part of the world that you are in). I was a bit nervous because I was required to take the formal end of schooling tests, even though I will have a tutor and continue to progress this next trimester. But for the school administration, I was leaving, so they needed to evaluate me. Well, if you get in the advanced category of speaking and you pass their COMPREHENSIVE grammar exam, you recieve a diploma. I am officially an Advanced Low AND to my surprise I passed the grammar exam with an 81%. You have to have at least a 70% to pass AND I haven't even finished but 66% of what they tested us on. A MIRACLE FOR SURE from God!!! This will help with my graduate degree as well as I can transfer credit from here, to cover 2 of the "teachable" subjects courses that I need. YEAH! Also now that I will have an official diploma combined with my teaching degree that I already have, I can teach Spanish anywhere in the world! How cool is that!!!


Joy said...

Congratulations, Heather. What a blessing, especially in light of the physical challenges you've endured over the past weeks!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Heather. We are proud of your accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!! Way to go!
Thanks be to God for His gifts.

Anonymous said...

great job heather! wanna tutor dave now? :) i am sure the kids will love having you at home a little more often and not have to walk so far and so much :)

heather pierce