Friday, September 5, 2008

The first FULL week

Well we've just completed our first full week of a new "normal." Overall, I'd say it went quite well. Monday we started our 3rd week of homeschool and I started my first week of "classes." Monday afternoon I had the priviledge of spending an hour talking to my language partner. Her name is Blanca. I am told she is a new Christian, and I look forward to confirming that and then beginning the discipleship process with her. I know more about Biblical Christianity than she does and she knows more about Spanish than I do. What a great exchange!!! Then Tuesday after homeschool, which we do every morning, my tutor came for lunch and our tutoring session. We mostly reviewed this week, but starting next week we'll begin to finish the grammar book that the school has already given to me. Wednesday was more interesting. After homeschool, the kids and Doug went to gymnastics which started on Monday, but I had no idea, so we started a day late. I headed out to get some groceries as we had invited an older couple from our church over to eat with us Wednesday night. They were DELIGHTFUL!! But I'll fill you in on that later! Thursday looked just like Tuesday. Fridays will look like Mondays without gymnastics which will give Doug and the kids some special time without mommy, and give mommy a much needed break. Today, I took the kids to a friends house while I went to talk to Blanca again.

Although there is something scheduled for every afternoon, it seems to give the kids motivation to get all their seatwork done before their upcoming special activity.

1 comment:

Jess Marie said...

HI Heather: Sounds like a busy week! You will continue to learn well I am sure.

John shared Christ with Blanca in Dec/Jan. We can't remember the exact month and she prayed to receive Christ and seemed very sincere.

Another missionary there named Pam and I began to disciple Blanca and that lasted 3-4 months so she was not left high and dry after she prayed to receive Christ. It's always so sad when that happens. We studied the book of JOhn. Please e-mail me and I can tell you more about our time so you can follow up from there if you would like. :)
