Monday, September 29, 2008


So here in Costa Rica, we have something called the Jesus Christ Lizard. It is called this because it walks/runs on water.

Anyway, last night I had gotten out of bed to take some of my medication, which Doug didn't realize and woke up startled as I got back into bed. This reminded me of an experience from 3 years ago. Sorry if some of you may have heard this one before...

Middle of the night, I roll over and realize I'm not going back to sleep without taking a trip to the bathroom. So I climb out of bed. I go to the bathroom. Flush the toilet. Wash my hands. Go to the kids' room and check on them. Then I head back to the bedroom...

After all of this time, Doug still hasn't woken up, until he sees a shadow in the hall coming toward the bedroom. (Side note here: Doug only sees to the end of his nose without his contacts or glasses.) So, he sees this shadow in the hall, KNOWS that his wife is sound asleep next to him, and begins what I call the "Jesus Lizard" walk across the bed with his hands held open like the talons of an eagle, while roaring like a bear. Then he stops after hearing...

"It's me! It's me!" I covered my head in fear. Doug had so much momentum he couldn't have stopped, so he just hugged me.

After asking him what he would have done had it been an intruder, he replied, "I was honestly hoping he'd turn and run."

For the next month, EVERY time I got out of bed, I woke him up to tell him.


Julie said...

I remember this story well!! And it made me smile this morning as I thought of you!

Anonymous said...

You made me giggle! I remember this story. - Mellyn